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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Running Partners?

Finding a running partner is tough because I'm slow, but getting faster.

Running yesterday not quite 10 miles, being out there almost 100 minutes, my pace lagged as my mind wandered and I became tired. A running partner could help. Finding one who can keep my pace (who is willing to run my pace) is not easy. My pace and fitness have not stabilized, and it hardly helps that some days I cut a workout short because I'm feeling crummy.

Today, I'm doing these long things at 10:00/mile, but am expecting to be at 9:00 soon, and continually dropping. No running partner is likely to improve as quickly -- they are already at 8:00 and below, or found a spot in the 10:00 range that works well for them.

I thought of putting up an ad in our church, but I don't want to run with someone a month, only to find I have gotten faster. Love 'em and leave 'em seems unfair.

There are some running clubs in the area. A bigger one might offer a range of runners that I can grow with, as opposed to just a friend with whom I'll only run with for a short time.

None of this precludes the Spivey Running Club. That's a buzz. It is not just speedwork, but the perspective I enjoy. These guys are training hard, but also retain the vigor and fun, and, with Jim's guidance, we're getting top-notch coaching.

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