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Thursday, August 23, 2007

2 Miles, Then Off to Gilligan's Island

2 miles wu

total: 2 miles

That's it. My Thursday night weekly butt kicking turned out to be wash. With only Rudi, Steve, and Paul showing up initially, the warm up was a bit faster than my usual, as noted below. Usually, I warm up closer to 8:30-8:45. No regrets though, since this was all the workout I was going to get.

Remember the beginning of "Gilligan's Island." in the opening titles, "Their tiny ship was tossed..." You'll see Gilligan holding tight to the Minnow while the storm thrashes it toward that uncharted isle where they (you know, "Gilligan. The Skipper too. The millionaire and his wife. The movie star. The professor and Mary Ann") would spend most of the rest of their TV life.

That's how it was.
  • Mile 1 - 8:00
  • Mile 2 - 7:34
Margaret joined just as we finished the warm up, and we all huddled into a corner underneath the Wheaton College track bleachers. It served us well enough for keeping us dry, but did nothing to protect us from the harsh fury of the thunder and lightening. John Duffy showed up, briefly, and apparently thought better of this foolishness and went home.

All were safe. We gave up hopes of running, and ran to the cars.

My car was in the least strategic position in several inches of water. My running shoes are soaked and may be through eternity. This is my cue to invest in a new pair. I'm due.

Jim never made it. Rumor has that he was scrambling to find a chain saw to assist in the removal of a tree in his driveway. No confirmation on that. It could be he just had better wisdom than the five of us.

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