8.0 miles (72:58 - 9:07/mile; [36:58 - 9:14/mile, 35:00 - 9:00)
0.50 mile walk
total: 8.50 miles
Current: Overcast
Wind: NW at 4 mph
Humidity: 67%
course: Illinois Prairie Path
Among my better runs. The cool weather helped. My pace was fairly steady, and, to my surprise, picked up the second half. It was a nice feeling knowing I had a few more miles in me.
I run four miles out, and turned around at the mile post.
Crowded morning, although the serious CARA and Glen Ellyn Runners Club runners had all mostly finished. I got out in the late morning.
Someone was burning a bonfire at around two miles, with smoke heavy on the path. A few dog walkers had not-so-friendly dogs on tight leashes.
My total mileage for the last seven days is at a new high, at 37.47 miles, with another 1.95 miles walked. There is a pound of calories sacrificed to the running gods.
Now, time for lunch.
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