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Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Thankful Run 3.8 miles And More

3.8 miles
0.81 miles wd

total: 4.61 miles
course: COD treadmill

Treadmills are treadmills, and, as treadmills go, I'm told the one I usually use at the College of DuPage is a good one.

Started at 6.3 mph, cruised for a mile, then notched it to 6.4, and after two miles, creeped it up another notch each .25 miles, with a big crank up to 9.0 near the end.

Popped up the incline to 0.5 for a few virtual blocks. No idea what that means, other than 1.0 is harder than 0.5. Today was part recovery from the rescheduled Jim Spivey Running Club workout (usually Thursdays, this week was Tuesday), and part a longer warm up for the weight portion of my workout.

Added today a few weights. Arms and gut, mostly, with two leg machines which are harder than they look. The idea of each is to either squeeze my knees together or separate them. I'm very new to using weights, and am easing into it. If I stick to using them, I will see results, but know it is only if I press on beyond a few weeks.

I expect to ache tomorrow. I'll hit the treadmill again, without weights, for a longer, easier gallop.

As for thankfulness: where to begin? Given that this is a blog essentially about my running, that's a good place to start.
  • I am thankful I am running freely without injury, feeling better as I get fitter, seeing digital results improving (my speed, distance, resting pulse weight).
  • I am thankful I can run on a treadmill on chilly days, and with a good group of guys once a week.
  • I am thankful I have good shoes to protect my feet and body, clothes which are warm, and enough food not only to sustain me but also to provide fuel for the run.

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