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Monday, September 7, 2009

Sneezy, Lighter and Feeling Fine

Monday Check-in

137.0 lbs. (down)
52 - Pulse (up)

Generally, I am pleased with my progress. My workouts have been inconsistent thanks to travel and camping, but I still walked a considerable amount. None of it was power walking, but my legs moved enough to know they are alive.

My weight is still dropping despite the decrease in calorie burning exercise. That's a little over a pound less than where I want to be at this time. No tricks, no pills, no fancy diet. Just watching the amount of what goes in. I am being careful with sugar intake. My weight loss goals are not drastic, nor hurried, and if I don't weigh what I want to weigh when I want to weigh it, I'm good. Less sugar, more water, more exercise is never a bad thing. The number ultimately is not the goal, but to be fit and run fast is. Heavier men have run faster and been fitter.

Things which might be hurting aren't. Today I hope to put in a longer run, and the proof will be in the results tomorrow. Ache or no ache? Autumn allergies are kicking in. Pollen, or whatever happens in fall is giving me a sneezy, stuffy head. Never fun.

That's this week's update.

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