8.0 miles (unsure: 72:00-74:00 - 9:00-9:15/mile)
total: 8.0 miles
75°F °C
Current: Partly Cloudy
Wind: E at 0 mph
Humidity: 62%
course: Illinois Prairie Path
71°F °C
Current: Haze
Wind: E at 0 mph
Humidity: 76%
Not everyday do I get to run with an ultramarathoner. Today, I did, though Amanda, a new running friend I made through Facebook, notched down her pace and distance on my behalf. She's training for a 50K race this fall (and a 50 miler after that), and is serving as a pace runner in the Chicago Marathon, leading a pack of 3:30 marathoners in clockwork-like 8:01s for Nike.
It was a good, but watchless run. Left my watch at home, and Amanda's died a mile into things. We ran a nice, relaxed pace, in the 9:00-9:15 range, though I'm not certain. For good measure on this notable day, she ran another mile to make it a pure nine miles on this September 9, 2009.
The humidity was high, so I'm looking at tonight's run with success. It helped to have a seasoned running buddy who was conversational and friendly.
Follow runner Eddie Izzard's marathon Tweets as he runs over 1,000 miles. http://twitter.com/EddieIzzard
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