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Friday, December 28, 2007

Gray Concrete on a Winter's Day: 5.5 Miles

5.0 varied pace
0.5 wd

total: 5.5 miles

course: Grainger treadmill

Ran facing the gray concrete as the snow fell like frosted flakes dropping from the roof. My first run at work.

Uneventful. The room was sparsely populated as holidays and the big mitigated working out at work. My own run was experimental. How do I get in a good run, and still function at work, all within an hour or so?

The general plan was five miles or 45 minutes, whichever came first. I began with an easy 9:13 mile pace, as a warm up. Picked it up to 8:35, then 8:00, and varied it for the finish, as fast as 6:39 pace. The last 0.5 of a mile was a brisk jog/walk.

Saw my colleague Norman as he left, after he hit the weights. It was strange for me, given that I see senior citizens as the majority of those at COD.

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