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Monday, December 17, 2007

800 PR in a Quick Treadmill Run

1 mile wu
0.5 mile hard (2:50)
3.0 miles wd

total: 4.5 miles
course: College of DuPage Fitness lab

Time was lacking, as traffic delayed my getting to the lab until 7:00, at which point I had to zip down my warmup pants and quickly hit the treadmill. With the lab closing at 8:00, I had to be hasty. I wanted to get some weights in, and this meant cutting back my intended 7.0 miles.

After a 9:31 mile, I stopped, let my pulse drop some, and set the machine at 10.8 mph. The goal: a 2:45 half mile. The reality, I could not handle the pace, and notched to end in a 2:50. Still, a PR in these modern times, and much fun. It is hard to believe I ever ran a 10K only slightly slower than that.

After entirely exhausting myself, I endured the languished tiring 3.0 miles warmdown. Along the way, though, was David, a former engineer at Lucent, and now, a HS teacher in Hyde Park, teaching (imagine this!), engineering. Good guy, and welcome company.

I did some weights, including the stomach muscles. Fat Tony has hardly left the building, and tightening my gut is part of the solution.

Now, the remnants of last night's Gino's East pizza is feeding my calorie needs.

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