3.5 miles run
0.360395291 miles walk
total: 3.86 miles
70°F | °C
Current: Mostly Cloudy
Wind: SE at 7 mph
Humidity: 36%
67°F | °C
Current: Cloudy
Wind: E at 8 mph
Humidity: 42%
course: Briarcliffe
First outside run. Mild inclines, new course, humidity, squishy post-rain ground. No wind.
Briarcliffe, as a course, will likely refer to one of several, all starting on my street, a sort of main neighborhood drag. I've charted 3.5-10.3 mile routes.
Yesterday, I bowled. Lucky Strike. Had a few lucky strikes, but mostly, used muscles that haven't been involved in my life in some time. I have the corresponding next day ache to prove it. I carried that ache on my run.
Not sure how fast I ran. No watch on purpose. Needed to run clear of the digital truth.
Not a bad run. Tomorrow, something longer.
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