0.50 miles hard walk warmdown
total: 5.51 miles
course: Cardinal Fitness
Over 17 minutes of drums, guitar and a guy repeating something about the Garden of Eden. There's some good stuff to run to, I'll tell you what. Iron Butterfly had only one song worth remembering, but it is a great one.
When I drive, and the long version comes on, you might see me playing the steering wheel bongos. More runs are ahead with this as the backdrop.
As far as the running part of the run -- first four day stretch since last August. Hit over 36 miles that week. Now, I'm up to 20 miles, with hopes of putting in a few tomorrow. I'll play it by ear. Though my miles are slow, there is still impact on my knees I want to senstively watch for.
Recovery is good. Legs were not nearly as stiff this morning as previous mornings. My pulse at three miles was higher than expected. The flu is about as gone as it will go, so I expect my runs to get better. No complaints here, mind you, just looking forward to good things to come. I need to keep putting in days like today, letting the LSD miles add up, slowly increasing my speed. As I told Coach Jim, I'm convinced if I string together six solid months, I'll find some of my old speed. I won't be 20, but I will do my best at age 43.
Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida