
My Mouth: All of It: One Man, One Place, All Said

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Steady and Feeling Good

4.5 miles run (total unsure, but set at 8:49/mile)
0.35 miles hard walk warmdown

total: 4.85 miles
course: COD treadmill

Feeling good. My warmdown was shorter, having gotten running later than intended, plus, I ran slightly farther.

Showed a guy in his late 70s how to attach his iPod to the treadmill. That was an honor.

I'm itching to get out running on dirt. The running club gets out there Thursday, but I'll be inside, sipping a cappuccino, performing poetry. Alas! The weather will be in the 50s. I'm curious how I will handle a real workout. The guys I run with will be fitter, and so I expect to suffer. If I suffer less than last year, then I'll take that as a small victory.

In all, I ended February in better shape than 2008, but I had a glitch missing an entire week. How will this add up? That question gets answered at the Cosley Animal Farm race in early June, the only racing constant since I began two years ago.

Weight isn't yet dropping. I'm not sure what to make of that, but will continue as planned. A steady 140 lbs.

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