
My Mouth: All of It: One Man, One Place, All Said

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

All Broken Up - 5.0 Miles in Pieces

2.0 miles (9:40/mile) 0.25 miles walk (15:00/mile)
2.0 miles (9:40/mile)
0.25 miles walk (15:00/mile)
1.0 miles (8:00/mile)
0.80 miles walk (15:00/mile)

total: 6.30 miles
course: Cardinal Fitness

A lot of walking does not equal a lot of running. Well, it does, more or less, as calorie burning goes, but not so much cardiovascularly. In other words, having done more walking than running (not posted here), I decided that today's run should be a careful mix. 

It all looks more complicated that ut was. I ran two, walked a quarter, and then again, then ran a somewhat quicker mile.

iPodless. Is that a word? In my hurry to the gym, I forgot it. It bummed me out because I downloaded a bunch of new tunes which needed running to. More on all of that later.

All Shook Up (Elvis, mp3)

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