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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snow Angels Deliverance on a Treadmill

4.0 miles run (34:19 - 8:35/mile)
0.75 miles hard walk warm down

total: 4.75
course: COD treadmill

A lovely snow fell to grace the trees and bushes, and to cover the plants that thought they just make a break from winter. They will make that break, but not today. An inside run seemed sad given the beauty and balance of a sunlit morning as this. I watched the final falling of snow from an over warm fitness center. It was good.

But I'm still getting in shape. Improvement only means the process has begun. Many miles to run before fitness can be declared.

Once again, clicked in at 8:34s on the treadmill, at 7.0 mph. Tomorrow's a day off, and then next week go into a 4.0, 3.5, 4.0, 3.5, 4.5 mile run pattern, plus warmdown. Running, that will equal 19.5 miles, with at least 2.5 miles in warmdown.

I heard that next Thursday might be the first track workout, presuming the snow will melt. I don't feel ready. Last year's first workout was March 13, a series of 800, and three 600s, adding up to five miles.

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