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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Life Fitness Club Series Treadmill: review - Good, But Overpriced Treadmill With Some Frustrations

The most important feature to me on a treadmill is footplant comfort. This nails it. If I run enough miles on a cheap treadmill, my Achilles and knees ache. However, there is more to a solid machine.

The Life Fitness Club Series Treadmill speed eases up smoothly and sensibly. It never jerks. Similarly, the incline is never abrupt. Very nice feature.

Life Fitness Club Series TreadmillThe heart rate monitor, the one on the handle bar, is sometimes inaccurate when compared to my Timex T5J031 Unisex Digital Fitness Heart Rate Monitor Watch. While it is only a few beats off, I expect a machine at this level to be better.

The buttons are an issue, reacting in a finicky, frustrating way. My make-do solution is, instead of fumbling with typing in numbers while running, I punch one of the walk-jog-run buttons, which takes me to a given speed. From there, I use the faster-slower button.

Entering my weight and speed and incline and it shows my calories burned. For me, this is just a curiosity, but it shows consistent data.

99% of the time, all I use it for is long long distance, up to 10 miles or so. For this, I am completely happy. There are plenty of other features I never use (the HeartSync workouts, for example). The buttons are a hassle, but once set, I'm good to run.

Anthony Trendl

Life Fitness Club Series Treadmill

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