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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Looking for a Few Good Miles

3 miles run
.5 miles walk

3.5 miles total

Wind: NW at 0 mph
Humidity: 45%
course: Illinois Prairie Path

Today's run was an easy three. Maybe not that many. Pace was 9:30-10:00/mile.

The IPP was wet, but tolerable. Tomorrow has a chance of ice and a high of 38, a drop from today's balmy weather.

Key was getting back out there, doing it again. Tomorrow will be my workout with the Spivey Club, so I needed to be loose today. I am relaxed, though tired from poor sleep last night. With tomorrow, I also want to run Friday, getting three days in succession - maybe a 5-6 miler?


Andrew is getting fit said...

I think I'm getting a case of the runner's dilemma.

A said...

Time then, my New Zealand friend, to do what must be done: find some races, get in with a good club, and lace up!

Racing season is beginning here. The Boston Marathon, of course, but also a slew of 5Ks now that the temperature is friendlier. I am starting to plan my assault on my 5K goal. More mileage will by 80% of my plan. I'll lose a few pounds, train and race strategically, and hopefully defy my age.

Weather today was lovely - ran in my shorts, but tomorrow, a track day, is potentially snowy.